
So you’ve been in a relationship for a couple of years or more and it was so easy to fall in love with your partner. It was as if your brain exploded and you were bathed in the most wonderful love serum, which is actually called Oxytocin, or the Love Drug. Everything was going so […]


Don’t you just hate that phrase when you hear it at the end of a relationship? It sounds like the biggest copout and a total lie, but what if it’s true? What if it’s the real reason why every relationship ends badly? In relationship, we sometimes show up with a loaded gun from our past […]


As I write this, I’m in lockdown in London. It’s the second week of the COVID-19 lockdown and, under the circumstances, it’s going well. I’ve learned a long time ago how to self-regulate in times of trauma and chaos and, more importantly, I’ve stopped courting drama, especially in my relationships, both romantic and platonic. That […]